Ebook Cat and Nat Mom Truths Embarrassing Stories and Brutally Honest Advice on the Extremely Real Struggle of Motherhood Audible Audio Edition Catherine Belknap Natalie Telfer Random House Audio Books

Hilarious best friends Cat and Nat created a massive online community of moms by sharing their ultra-real and just a bit R-rated dispatches from the mom trenches. From what not to eat a few days after giving birth (chicken wings) to the most effective ways to dodge post-partum sex, Cat & Nat's Mom Truths shares everything no one will tell you about having kids.Â
Mixing memoir, humor, and advice, Cat and Nat tell never-before-told stories about the stress, guilt, joy, and laundry (oh the laundry!) of being a mom in their first book. With seven kids between them and millions of fans on social media, they get real about the parts of parenting that somehow don't make the Instagram feed. Sharing their outrageous humor, fearless myth-busting, and genuine comfort, they walk you from pregnancy to the toddler years and beyond. And they dole out ridiculously honest advice, like what you think you need at the hospital when you have your first baby (lip gloss) versus what you actually need (hemorrhoid pillow), and how worried you should really be about germs (less than you are). Fearless crusaders against the perfection myth and all the gluten-free, sugar-free baking it entails, Cat and Nat assure you that you're already doing a great job, making this an essential companion for moms everywhere.
Ebook Cat and Nat Mom Truths Embarrassing Stories and Brutally Honest Advice on the Extremely Real Struggle of Motherhood Audible Audio Edition Catherine Belknap Natalie Telfer Random House Audio Books
"I wish I would have had this book before getting pregnant! I struggled through the first year feeling like an epic failure and had this book been available I would have known I wasn't the only mom with these feelings. Cat and Nat's Instastories and FB Lives and the community they strive to build is amazing! You will laugh out loud while reading this... literally! I loved it!!! It will be my "mother's day gift" to some of my closest mom-feiends."
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Tags : Cat and Nat's Mom Truths Embarrassing Stories and Brutally Honest Advice on the Extremely Real Struggle of Motherhood (Audible Audio Edition) Catherine Belknap, Natalie Telfer, Random House Audio Books, ,Catherine Belknap, Natalie Telfer, Random House Audio,Cat and Nat's Mom Truths Embarrassing Stories and Brutally Honest Advice on the Extremely Real Struggle of Motherhood,Random House Audio,B07ND3XLL5
Cat and Nat Mom Truths Embarrassing Stories and Brutally Honest Advice on the Extremely Real Struggle of Motherhood Audible Audio Edition Catherine Belknap Natalie Telfer Random House Audio Books Reviews :
Cat and Nat Mom Truths Embarrassing Stories and Brutally Honest Advice on the Extremely Real Struggle of Motherhood Audible Audio Edition Catherine Belknap Natalie Telfer Random House Audio Books Reviews
- I feel bad but I found this book boring as a mom of a baby and toddler. I didn't think it was that funny. I actually skimmed through a few chapters. Sure I had a couple of chuckles and could relate ... but I just didn't vibe with the book. Sure they try to be funny but I always felt like the stories were missing something. Like they didn't go deep enough. I think this would be better for a first time mom perhaps who needs an easy and fast read.
- OOOHH I am in LOVE with this book! Cat and Nat have done an amazing job putting the #MOMTRUTH out there. I wish this book was around when I had my first child, would of saved me a lot of depression, anxiety, and questions! They do an excellent job putting the brutal honesty yet hilarity out into the world of what it means to be a woman and a mom. Nat's story is so similar to my own that it I thought she had been in my head and telling my story. Every woman should read this regardless if your a mom or not. Hell even men should read this if they want an inside look into what is like being a woman and a mom!!!!
- I wish I would have had this book before getting pregnant! I struggled through the first year feeling like an epic failure and had this book been available I would have known I wasn't the only mom with these feelings. Cat and Nat's Instastories and FB Lives and the community they strive to build is amazing! You will laugh out loud while reading this... literally! I loved it!!! It will be my "mother's day gift" to some of my closest mom-feiends.
- Got it for my birthday!! Best. Mom. I’m not so alone. Book. Ever! Can’t put it down. I’m getting sad that I’m almost finished with it cover to cover! I will read it again is the plan. I try not to panic attack awaiting the next follow up book to this...it’s THAT freakin good! I texted my cousin who’s daughter is having a baby soon- I insisted she RUN out and get this book. This book seriously came at a time when I wish I had my own cat & nat to call and talk to you about my parents had both passed and I’m trying to raise a little one ...and wanna be like am I the only one feeling THIS or THAT..and I’m telling you they are like my best girlfriends they just don’t know how they’re the friend in my head like Wendy Williams has been known to say- LOL and I’m telling you this book makes you feel like you’re sitting down talking to your best girlfriends over a café latte and it makes you smile and it makes enjoy reading again and all those long sleepless nights I just tuck in with the book and a teeny book light while rocking in the rocking chair and the time seems to pass and I don’t feel so alone anymore . I’m tellin u- this book has someone done more than brought joy to me, it’s felt like a little life raft as we all tend to feel so alone as new moms!! Mom hood is lonely. And when all ur help and supposed village is non existent- cat & nat are here for us! Ur only regret would be not buying it Already!!! Come to California on tour already ladies!! Luv u!
- I have been following Cat & Nat for over a year now. They are the most hilarious, down-to-earth friends on the planet. They say it like it is and that is exactly what makes this book so relatable. Nat has said multiple times that the book is written to not be read straight through because it's almost impossible to sit and read an entire book uninterrupted. I was able to stop at the end of a chapter and pick it right back up when I had time. I attempted to be on of those "Perfect Moms" with my daughter and that stopped after her 1st birthday. This book tells you it's OK to fail, it's OK to not be that "Perfect Mom" and there are thousands of other Moms just like you. Follow them on social media for laughs all day long. This book will not disappoint ! Melissa Partsch
- “Being a mom is hard, & exhausting, & sometimes literally your greatest accomplishment in a day will be getting through that day†Cat & Nat this is spot on! No truer words have I read. This book was everything I thought it would be! Honestly considering this as a baby shower gift. “How come no one warned us about this? How come no one warned us about the isolation and the feeling that well just never figure things out†I honestly could spend all day quoting some of my favorite parts of this book. I’ve highlighted them. Yes that’s right. Highlighted!! Nat you said t best when you wrote “but I’ve also noticed something about dads in general- something I kind of admire. They are simply not programmed to feel parenting guilt of any kind†this is totally accurate. They do not dwell on anything! Mothers beat themselves up continuously. Always saying tomorrow will be better and striving for that. Shit were all on this crazy ride trying to figure it out we need so much LESS judgement!!!
- OMG this book was so amazing I read it in a day and a half I just couldn't put it down. Super easy to read and for someone who doesn't like to read the chapters are super short I think the longest one was like 4 to 5 pages long!! There is so many amazing things about this book I can't simply pick one but one of my favorites was the connection that Nat had with Olivia and how she helped her through something it's truly amazing!! Or when you both talk about how you met your husbands and how you were engaged Cat's story had me rolling I would have reacted the same way and I have been waiting for a book like this it's full of honesty and truth about all the things no one wants to talk about when you give birth to a baby or even after all that this book truly highlights what it's like to be a mom wife daughter sister and friend totally helped me be able to connect with Cat and Nat on a whole new level. It's soul barring and totally amazing it's something i will cherish forever!!
- This book was fantastic. I loved every minute of reading this and will be passing it along to other first time moms! Written by two wonderful women who give us a glimpse in to the hectic, insane, infuriating but wonderful life as a mother. While reading it I can hear them as if we are all having a conversation together which makes it so relatable! Can I give it 10 stars?? D