» Read Silent No More How I Became a Political Prisoner of Mueller"Witch Hunt" Audible Audio Edition Jerome R Corsi PhD Post Hill Press Books
Tanya Richards on Thursday, May 30, 2019
Read Silent No More How I Became a Political Prisoner of Mueller"Witch Hunt" Audible Audio Edition Jerome R Corsi PhD Post Hill Press Books

Product details - Audible Audiobook
- Listening Length 8 hours and 52 minutes
- Program Type Audiobook
- Version Unabridged
- Publisher Post Hill Press
- Audible.com Release Date December 27, 2018
- Language English, English

Silent No More How I Became a Political Prisoner of Mueller"Witch Hunt" Audible Audio Edition Jerome R Corsi PhD Post Hill Press Books Reviews
- Once again Dr Corsi gives us a great read. This one is full of personal stories and background information even going back to his father's work with the Democrat party and the railroad unions.
Dr Corsi gives us a first person account of his dealing with the Mueller special counsel. After George Papadapolous. Carter Page and General Flynne have dispelled the Russian collusion delusion we know have an in depth detailed day by day personal account of how his own information voluntarily given to the investigation was used against him in a purgery trap. When the prosecuters have printed documents of all your email and phone texts and Verizon refuses to give you print outs of your phone texts you are totally at the mercy of your memory to go against the prosecuters that have every single word you have texted. Needless to say these prosecutors will use anything you have forgotten to tell the world that you have lied to the FBI.
Read the book and decide for yourself. End the witch hunt Mueller is only interested in a set up to impeach President Trump our duly elected leader. - Disregard the trolls. Yes, I was surprised at finding misspellings but look past that to the larger meaning because the message of the book is too close to what happens before a communist take-over of a formerly free country. This book is instructive in that it corroborates what happened in License to Lie by Sidney Powell. Federal prosecutors took down and entire company with hundreds of employees (Arthur Anderson) only to have the conviction reversed after it totally destroyed many lives. That is a fact, not a conspiracy. There were several heartbreaking stories that this scenario happened to. And no recourse for the victims because it is the government. Corsi's example is chilling because it has to do with the highest form of constitutionally protected speech - political speech. That is how Corsi makes his living. Expecting a 72 year old to remember a single e-mail out of 65,000 emails two years ago without the benefit of "memory refreshed" is bad. But to use this scenario to create a perjury charge to coerce a false confession consistent with a prosecutor's theory of the case is unconscionable. They brought the full force of the DOJ, FBI and CIA down on Corsi and broke him down for 40 hours of intensive, exhaustive questioning by 3 of Mueller's top prosecutors when Corsi wasn't even charged with a crime. He was a potential witness.
- Needs proof reading for dates and times and redundant in places but a must read.
My logical conclusion is Seth Rich not the Russians leaked the DNC emails and Mueller"s team is worse than imaginable at trying to prove forgone conclusions. - Sure, the book could use a good editor to correct some mistakes. My guess is the digital manuscript was rushed to release. Looking past that this first-hand story reveals an over-zealous prosecutorial effort focused on validation rather than seeking the truth. Mueller's team attempted to negotiate a plea deal to a dubious process crime in order to work their way up the food chain. So far they've failed.
My hope is that Dr. Corsi and his wife stand strong. I admire his courage to honor the truth, and I can't say my memory of events years old would be much better under the grueling circumstances presented in the book.
Dr. Corsi, you're 72 with a weakened heart and feeling vulnerable. But you have expressed a strong faith and a love for our country. I'm confident that no matter what happens the truth will set you free. The American people respect a fighter and underdog so keep believing in us and do what you know is right in your heart. Take the advice of the limo driver when you drove past the NBC interview. - Anyone naive enough to believe that government is always here to help MUST read this book. It documents efforts by a consolidation of special interests to cover for the incompetence, chicanery, and outright crimes of who pervert our rights for power and financial gain. What has been happening to Dr. Corsi is unethical, immoral, and quite certainly criminal.
By exposing the intimidation and persecution of innocent Americans by rogue elements of the Department of Justice we are all indebted Dr. Corsi. - As I stated once before after reading one of his books,
It is worth reading and every true American should read it.
I think most Americans are believing the lies on the media or just not interested (or even lack the time). Hard to say.
I admire Dr. Corsi and he deserves our back. Read this to learn the truth. - Great book and very informative. But for goodness sake, please do some gammar-checking. There are numerous misspellings, punctuation errors, and even a wrong date or two. Example - "Starting October 7, 2018, Assange dropped 57,153 emails in the Podesta file over in thirty-four parts". This meant to say October 7, 2016...not 2018. Little errors like this make the story confusing if you don't realize it is an error. All in all, great read though!
- It's a great book, the story in itself is scary tough.