» PDF Ladies Who Punch The Explosive Inside Story of "The View" Ramin Setoodeh Books
Tanya Richards on Tuesday, May 28, 2019
PDF Ladies Who Punch The Explosive Inside Story of "The View" Ramin Setoodeh Books

Product details - Audio CD
- Publisher Macmillan Audio; Unabridged edition (April 2, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1250316197

Ladies Who Punch The Explosive Inside Story of "The View" Ramin Setoodeh Books Reviews
- Explosive and entertaining, this book is everything you expect it to be and more. It is a thoroughly entertaining, well researched and meticulously detailed behind the scenes account of the long running daytime talk show that has ran on ABC since 1997. Author Ramin Setoodeh painstakingly interviewed most of the co-hosts from "The View" and many of it's producers and many other people involved with the production of the series. He did a breathtaking amount of research and spares no detail in documenting every aspect of this show.
And nobody is spared in this bias free accounting of a broadcasting institution. when I say nobody is spared, I mean that. Each co-host is profiled in a section (or sections) of the book and they are portrayed warts and all. He doesn't play favorites and everybody's good and bad sides are discussed. Barbara is portrayed as a multi-faceted woman who was at times maternal and at times viscous towards her co-hosts. She is shown as an aging newscaster and producer desperate to secure her reputation and not ruin her legacy; as a producer who will protect her show at all costs---and who at times is shockingly out of touch with the world; and at times coldly void of emotion toward her co-workers.
The book starts with a short biographical accounting of Barbara's early life, her career struggles and rise to fame. It then veers into Barbara conceiving the idea for "The View" and it's development; selection of the original co-hosts and it's rocky formative years. It breezes through Debbie Matenopoulos being fired from the show and Star's descent into madness and her eventual exit from the show; it discusses Star's historic on-air ambush of Barbara by announcing her departure ahead of schedule in a coordinated attack that included a scathing interview with PEOPLE magazine bashing Barbara and the show.
It portrays Joy as a back-stabbing, trouble making jerk out to get her fellow hosts, especially Elisabeth. It portrays Rosie as a insensitive, power-hungry nut-ball; it portrays Elisabeth as a calculating, uninformed primadonna and Whoopi as a self-absorbed, self-important egomaniac. But shockingly, it also discusses Barbara's off-air personality which ranged from maternal to self-concerned. It dishes on Barbara's conflict between protecting her own legacy and her show at all costs-even at the expense of people she hired and eventually fired.
This book is not for the faint of heart; it really spills all the dirt. This is an unflinching, don't read while drinking or you'll spit it out shocker, it is stock full of stunning, juicy, gossipy dirt. But it's much more than that. It is well-researched, evenly balanced and in my opinion very fair to everybody involved. I get the sense that this is the first time many of these stories are being told, and that for some interview subjects (Debbie, Rosie, Jenny) it was cathartic to finally tell their truth about "The View."
This is a fantastic book, I can't put it down and I've recommended it to all my friends, who are similarly engrossed in this book. It is a well written account and endlessly entertaining. - I have watched the View off and on since its initial episode. I used to naively believe the cohosts when they said they got along when off the air. This was a riveting look behind the curtain. I could not put it down.
- Rich women taking themselves and their lives far far too seriously as they contribute to the decline of American discourse.
- The first half was interesting and fun to read. The last half was a chore. I don't need to know every executive's name, every producer's name, director's name, etc. I did laugh for a while towards the end when the author writes about The View's 2016 election night coverage, and how the staff had a party set up to celebrate Hillary's win. Hilarious!!! And as we all know, there is really only ONE view being allowed. So thanks for another unintentional confirmation about bias.
- This was a pretty juicy read, chronicling the ladies who have appeared on this show for 20 years with a spotlight on the 3 divas Barbara Walters, Whoopi Goldberg, Rosie O'Donnell.
These 3 super egos do not come out looking very good. It appears they were all about backstabbing, sabotaging, and trying to shove one another aside in a quest to be "top dog".
Star comes across as contrite while Jenny McCarthy admits to be in over her head with these women. What it does prove is that if you want something bad enough some people will go to any length to obtain it. Barbara, Whoppi, and Rosie all did.
As I said, juicy reading! - .......
Always enjoyed Barbara Walters as she was the best when in her prime. Remember watching her on the news and especially loved her specials after the
Oscars. - If you are a fan of The View, this book is an absolute must. I only received it in the mail hours ago, and am already turning the pages at breakneck speed. Setoodeh is respectful of these women and the institution that Walters built, yet still makes each chapter so dishy and filled with intimate and explosive behind-the-scenes moments that you’ve always wondered about.
- After all the anticipation this book comes across as more of a biography about Barbara Walters than a backstage look at what happened at The View. Yes, Barbara is a huge part of the show but it reads more like a friend going through Barbara's life work with a little added spice from those around her.