» Read Black Privilege Opportunity Comes to Those Who Create It Charlamagne Tha God Books
Tanya Richards on Monday, May 27, 2019
Read Black Privilege Opportunity Comes to Those Who Create It Charlamagne Tha God Books

Product details - Paperback 320 pages
- Publisher Atria Books; Reprint edition (April 24, 2018)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1501145312

Black Privilege Opportunity Comes to Those Who Create It Charlamagne Tha God Books Reviews
- I recently just finished the Audible version read by Charlamagne Tha God and let me tell you, this is easily going to be one of THE BEST books I have read, and I've read many. Self-help, or otherwise, this book had so much valuable information about getting through life told from a man who at best I knew from seeing him on VH-1 and listening to the Breakfast Club. I never thought much of him to be honest, not in a bad way.
Okay, obviously, I am not a Black man. I'm Mexican-American, middle-aged with a herd of children and find myself at a point in life where I feel like everything is falling apart. As I listened to this book, I felt like I was sitting in a room and he was telling me what was wrong with me, how I got there, but most importantly that I had the power to get myself out and into a better situation. I was driving on the highway on my way home from work and his last chapter had me crying. The kind of cry you have when you thought you had run out of tears and where you feel it in the pit of your stomach. He put a new hope where I thought I had none.
Was this book funny? HELL yes. I laughed so many times. I learned a great deal about Charlamagne and his life experiences and how he got to where he is today. One of the most important takeaways for me, there were many, but what really stood out to me was when he discussed finding your "However". This was powerful to me. You need to read the book to find out what it is, but I promise you, it is life changing.
I'm doing what I've never done before with this book. I not only bought the audible version, I just ordered the hardcover for home and the kindle version so it's on my phone at all times. There are many parts of this book I want to read over to cement into my mind.
Charlamagne, if you read your reviews, I hope you know that you have helped me in a very powerful way. I had been praying for guidance and God in his wisdom lead me to purchase your book and it is one that will be prominently on my bookshelf, in my headphones and on my iPhone. Not only that, you have opened up another world of books I need to look up, ones you mentioned in your book.
Thank you. - Black Privilege isn’t your typical marketing book, self-help book. Lenard, the author uses very unorthodox language to help the reader understand, and to reach a certain audience; but I truly believe whatever your age, social status, background, etc you can take something from this book to carry with you forever. While reading to book, there were certain things I felt like the author was speaking directly to me, I will mention a few of these point in the next few paragraphs.
In chapter 2, titled, PYP (Pick Your Passion, Poison, or Procrastination.) Lenard discusses that there are 3 P’s that you can choose in life. Passion which leads to prosperity, Poison which leads to pain, and procrastination which leads to nowhere because you’re waiting for success to find you. I love the way he broke down his success to its simplest form for the reader to relate. When choosing career path you need to be hungry and passionate about what you want to achieve. You also need to mindful of picking something you’re passionate about a not what someone else decided for you. This could be the biggest pitfall and lead to a poisonous decision, of following someone else dream. You should never wait on opportunity because you will be waiting for a long time.
Another one of my favorite chapters was, chapter 4, There Are No Losses, Only Lessons. The main point of this chapter is, you should not care about any perceived losses in life as long as you learn something from them. “Always look for the lesson in any situation you think didn’t go your way. And most importantly, understand that your plan isn’t necessarily also God’s plan for you.â€( McKelvey) In the marketing world, this reminds me to never give up when someone doesn’t see your potential or vision. Always take something from these lessons, and make yourself better.
After reading through all 8 chapters, this wasn’t a single point I didn’t agree with. Every chapter was so well written and broken to the simplest for everyone to understand! The books main point is that there is Privilege in being Black, and how to access your privilege. I love that there is a book that was written for me, in terms and language that I can understand. But I can’t stress enough, how important this book is and that everyone can learn and take something away from this. I’ve followed the author for at least 10 years, and I’ve seen him put his chapters in use. Whether it was on his radio show, TV shows, podcast, etc. I’ve seen him lead by example to prove and drive his point home. This was a great read and I highly recommend it to everyone! - This book should be mandatory reading for pretty much everyone, but ESPECIALLY teenagers today. I read a *ton* of self-help books. This one is both entertaining and practical. Whether or not you know anything about hip-hop culture or the radio business...it contains valuable life-lessons that we all can appreciate and apply. Thank you Charlamagne, I predict this book will change many lives.
- I purchased this book for one of my brother’s that’s in prison. He’s someone that’s been in and out of jail all his life. I said all of that to say this, he told me that this book touched him in a way that nothing else has. If a book can cause my brother to rethink his journey in life, you get 5 stars from me.
- This was my first audio book and I loved listening to Charlemagne read his own story! I think I will get more audio books in the future. He really gave some real tips. I know many may see him as rude and insensitive but I liked his perspective. It was really interesting hearing about how men are so influenced by their environments. I honestly wonder the success he would’ve had if he’d continued on a straight and narrow path
- This book is a brilliant manifestation of the experiences that can lead a young black make from a small town in SC to be a part of one of the biggest radio shows in America. Painting a vivid picture of rough up bringing a bad decisions Charlemagne explores the spiritual advantage that black america needs to recognise in order to further our standings at home and in the world..