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Tanya Richards on Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Download Underworld The Mysterious Origins of Civilization Audible Audio Edition Graham Hancock Dennis Kleinman Tantor Audio Books

Product details - Audible Audiobook
- Listening Length 31 hours and 33 minutes
- Program Type Audiobook
- Version Unabridged
- Publisher Tantor Audio
- Audible.com Release Date February 19, 2019
- Language English, English

Underworld The Mysterious Origins of Civilization Audible Audio Edition Graham Hancock Dennis Kleinman Tantor Audio Books Reviews
- If you like Hancock's work, you'll like this. It's a good read, with a lot of factual information. This one does get a bit long at times, but that's due to how in depth the research is, and how many locations Hancock has actually put his hands on. A lot of ground is covered.
The Malta material gets a bit off line with conspiracy theories which is a shame, because Hancock really does provide a lot of legitimate research and science to support his theories in this book. It really wasn't necessary.
If you enjoy Hancock's other books, then get it. - My order of the Graham Hancock book "Underworld The Origins Of Human Civilization" arrived after being on order for about two weeks. It was packaged well and was easy to extract from the shipping box. This huge book was filled from start to finish with astounding finds that Mr. Hancock and his fellow explorers uncovered across the globe in the later 1990's and the early part of the last decade. Mr. Hancock is convinced that humankind from past eons had actually developed truly advanced civilizations, but war and natural disasters all too often destroyed them without barely a trace of their ever having existed. This book covers many areas of our world where seemingly impossible archaeological finds are being unearthed and "unsead" (for want of a better term).
- If I was a multi billionaire, I would make sure that Underworld, Fingerprints of the Gods and Magicians of the Gods would become part of the school curriculum all over the world. This book and the others I mentioned are excellent. Knowing this one was put out in 2002, it makes me have a deep degree of belief in Graham's insights because as time as sauntered forward, more and more evidence is vindicating all of his claims. He is a REMBRANDT!!
- Graham Hancock never fails to please. This is the third of his books I have read and hardly any of the information was repeated. If you are interested in prehistory, this is the book for you. When I learned that the oceans of the world are hundreds of feet high than they were at the Last Glacial Maximum I started wondering what happened to all that coastline that is now inundated by water.
This book explains what underwater archaeologists have discovered. A lot of this material Hancock himself had seen first hand. The photographs are awesome.
Hancock has a writing style that is extremely readable in spite of the complex subjects he tackles. I like that he interjects a little wry humor and biting wit when dealing with his adversaries.
A thoroughly entertaining, informative and eye-opening trip through the oceans of planet earth. I can't recommend this book highly enough. - If found this to be a very interesting read. The author is honest in his opinions. When there is ambiguity, he readily admits it. I did find it ironic in that he mentions a couple times that he thinks the ancient alien theory (as of 2001 when the book was written) is bunk, but then he has been on multiple episodes of the t.v. show since 2010. Perhaps his opinion has changed? In any event, this book is worth your time.
- I'm on the last chapter of what can be at times a challenging read. Author Hancock has done some extensive research into this subject and brought it all together. As stated in some of his former works, he believes that the traditional view of Archaeologist, is missing a massive piece of the puzzle. When you look at edifices like the Pyramids, which exist all over the world, their perfect astrological alignment and massive construction, we are lead to believe that Men barley out of the stone age, were responsible for this construction, with rudimentary tools, of these massive construction projects that would be a challenge to today's modern Construction companies with powered equipment, Hancock's belief is that this technology and construction savvy, just didn't pop up one day, but was the results of a developed society and engineers, that existed in the pre deluge days of the planet. Hancock revels that in pretty much every culture on the planet there is a Noah Ark like story, of collecting animals, or seed and finding refuge before the great flood, and the survival of the few afterwards. Hancock goes on with this theory, with the help of modern technology and diverse disciplines that show pre flood maps of the coast lines of world, prior to the melting Ice caps. His dives in various places in the world revel man made structures beneath the waves, that match up to local legends. His belief that there is a pre history of this planet that explains these gaps in our understanding of civilization, but they exist in this not so hidden Underworld.