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Tanya Richards on Saturday, May 11, 2019
Download PDF The Dead Sea Scrolls A Biography Lives of Great Religious Books John J Collins Daren Magee 9780691191713 Books

Product details - Series Lives of Great Religious Books (Book 1)
- Paperback 288 pages
- Publisher Princeton University Press; Reprint edition (May 28, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0691191719

The Dead Sea Scrolls A Biography Lives of Great Religious Books John J Collins Daren Magee 9780691191713 Books Reviews
- Collins does a particularly good job of handling with remarkable objectivity the many controversial issues related to the scrolls and their interpretation. Where he has an opinion, he is clear in stating that it is his opinion. I was particularly struck by the way in which he addressed John Strugnell's situation. This is the best overview of current scholarship on the DSS that is available to the general public in my opinion.
- Collins' book covers two stories. There is the story as portrayed in the scrolls themselves, the history and secrets contained within the fragmented manuscripts. For example within its texts are some of the earliest Jewish writings, stating laws about diets, the clean, and the unclean. Prophecies written 2000 years before Stephen King's "The Stand" chronicle the wars between the Children of Light and the Children of Darkness. While these texts have been translated in other books, Collins' work also offers a history of the discovery of the scrolls themselves. While most of the general populace believes the texts exist as one large document discovered in one cave at a single moment in time, Collins reveals that many texts resided in many different areas apart from the cave where the first was unearthed, Some ancient manuscripts believed to be related to the texts found in the first cave were in fact hiding in other areas several miles away in some instances. Collins goes on to relate the first scholars who studied the texts, and in particular how Jewish scholars were excluded from examining the manuscripts because of political reasons. These original scholars published their findings and theories about the texts in the late 1950's and early 1960's, some of which have been debunked by contemporary and later scholars. New realizations have been revealed even as late as the 1980's and 1990's. Overall a very enjoyable and insightful look at one of the greatest archeological finds concerning religious literary tradition.
- In retirement, I have become an amateur theologian--trying to educate myself on the bible and religious scholarship. Collins has become one of my favorite authors. He is scholarly, a very good writer, and a clear thinker. He has many fields of expertise, and one is the Dead Sea Scrolls. I found this book very educational on the history of the discovery of these important manuscripts and the tangled history of their availability to scholars. It is a short and very readable book. I would have preferred a little more of the contents of the various manuscripts, but that is much too broad a topic for Collins and his expertise for such a short book.
If you know little of the discovery and availability of these important biblical manuscripts, as I did, this is a great place to start. - The Dead Sea Scroll exibit is currently in town and so I wanted to read a few sources to brush up on my previous understanding of the scrolls. (I visit Israel every year and have had a chance to hike up to Cave 1 the past three years.) Collins does a good job laying out the information and nuances of the scrolls. As one previous reviewer noted, the short book is a bit tedious/dry in some places, especially for a resource that I believe is more meant for beginners. But I found no fault with the information, based on my previous knowledge, and think this would be fine for the average person who's looking to understand more.
- John Collins is an experienced and recognized Old Testament scholar with lots of contact with the Dead Sea Scrolls. Heard him give a private dinner presentation recently in New Haven that summarized the major themes of his new book on the Scrolls. Had already purchased the book but hadn't read it at the time that I heard him in person talk about the Scrolls. The "biography" approach is extremely helpful in presenting the varied history of the Scrolls and in understanding the different custodians of the Scrolls. Of course, there are scrolls and then there are scrolls within the Scrolls that make for highly interesting and intriguing reading. Great book for the first-time student as a survey and the long-time observer with reminders and clearer details about the history of the Scrolls.
- I bought this book for my mother to read and share with her book club. However, I must admit that before I give it to her I am carefully sneaking and reading it myself. I heard about this interesting history book on my public broadcasting station. And I couldn't wait to purchase it. It's a good book for those interested in religious history. Fascinating. In addition, this is an attractive, nicely sized hardback book that I think my mother's aged hands will enjoy holding.
- I knew little to nothing about the Dead Sea Scrolls, and found this little book to be very informative -- a very good starter for someone who wants to know the basic history about them and their discovery. The book is a bit tedious in places, but overall, I found it to be a very enjoyable read.
- Have read a number of books, articles on Dead Sea Scrolls
This one is concise yet packed with solid facts. Great
diagrams and photos too. Definitely one I use for my
students. Not too expense keeping in mind students'
budgets. Yet covers all the basics. I strongly
recommend this current text.