» Download PDF Everyday Millionaires How Ordinary People Built Extraordinary Wealth_and How You Can Too Chris Hogan Dave Ramsey 9780977489527 Books
Tanya Richards on Sunday, May 19, 2019
Download PDF Everyday Millionaires How Ordinary People Built Extraordinary Wealth_and How You Can Too Chris Hogan Dave Ramsey 9780977489527 Books

Product details - Hardcover 272 pages
- Publisher Ramsey Press (January 7, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0977489523

Everyday Millionaires How Ordinary People Built Extraordinary Wealth_and How You Can Too Chris Hogan Dave Ramsey 9780977489527 Books Reviews
- Okay, so I can't do this Dave Ramsey stuff anymore. I had been on the edge but this book made me see the light. I think the reason why Ramsey Solutions comes out with books is so the Ramsey followers will rush to buy the newest book and create instant sales for Mr. Ramsey's company. It is not an analytical book and is mostly fluff. I had to force myself to read it all. I'm starting to believe that Ramsey creates these "Ramsey Personalities" in order for them to create books and products to sell to his flock of followers. Mr. Hogan is another one of Mr. Ramsey's created personalities. They are all motivational speakers, they are not financial planners, they have no credentials but they do generate a steady stream of books and occasionally give quick advice on the radio as entertainment. The original millionaire next door is like a 10 and this book is like a 1. If you are a beginner and need some motivation knock yourself out.
- I was very excited when this book was announced as I am a Chris Hogan fan. I was expecting a modern twist of Millionaire Next Door with lots of data and tables to show the preferences and habits among millionaires. This book is basically a pep talk with figures scattered throughout the text with the last two chapters being a brief action plan on how to get started. I did like the busting of millionaire myths and how focus was given on the importance of participating in company sponsored retirement plans.
Overall if you are young and looking for motivation to start building wealth this is a good pep talk but if you are already motivated and want to dig deeper this is not for you.
If metrics are what you are looking for I recommend “Stop Acting Rich and Start Living like a Real Millionaire†by Thomas Stanley. That goes into great detail about millionaire buying habits and preferences. If you want to learn about budgeting and planning for milestone events then I would recommend Dave Ramsey’s “Complete Guide to Money.†- I am over 50 and this book is written as though you are just getting started in you life. Depressing to read knowing it does not speak to older people who want to start where they are. Waste of money.
- Excellent study of what makes millionaires in America today. Bottom line up front An encouraging book for all ordinary but dedicated people who wish to build extraordinary wealth.
Chris Hogan surveyed 10,000 people with a net worth of more than $1 million, then looked at characteristics that would explain their success. He found, contrary to popular belief, the 10,000 were ordinary people who built their wealth slowly through mutual funds, IRAs and company 401K plans. Over 2/3 had averaged less than $100,000 per year in income and one of the top 3 professions was teacher. He found 97 % didn’t inherit their millions, but used discipline, hard work and low risk investments to accumulate wealth.
Next, Hogan discovered the five most common traits among the 10,000 millionaires and proposes those of us who emulate these traits should also be successful. The 5 traits are taking personal responsibility, practice intentionality, be goal oriented, work hard and consistency.
Hogan intersperses stories of individual millionaires along the way to illustrate his points. This results in an engaging, easy to read book. People looking for get rich quick schemes will be disappointed as will anyone who wishes to fault his logic. If, for example, one would argue a high paying job is necessary to building wealth, Hogan counters with his survey results 1/3 of millionaires never had $100,000 income in a year, only 31% averaged $100K and only 7% averaged over $200K.
Bottom line is for the average Joe who thinks he can’t get ahead, this book will outline a straightforward, although lengthy process for achieving millionaire status. - If you are an avid Dave Ramsey follower you do not need this book . I was really excited about this book and was planning on buying it , however I am so glad I got it from the library instead . This book is like a pep rally. I wasn’t looking for motivation , I already have that . I was looking for data and facts . But this book is repetitive and an insult to those who follow Dave . We already listen we know this stuff . One reviewer has already summed it up .. I’m only halfway through but so far nothing new and groundbreaking .
- For an avid Ramsey fan there’s not much here that’s new. Was largely same content as other books by DR and the DR group. Why I bought it was I was looking for more information interpolated from the data. I would like to have seen more and broader lists and graphs of characteristics and statistics about the everyday millionaires and their habits.
- The book is somewhat informative but highly repetitive. There is nothing in this book that is not covered in "The Millionaire Next Door."
The book has some action steps but is mostly cheerleading, encouragement, and shameless plugging of other Dave Ramsey Products. - Very disappointed. No real content or data in the book, just more of the same.